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   Fifth Dimension  People to People Connection Services    



Abraham Hicks




R. R.

   Page Summary  


Esther Hicks channels
a non-physical consciousness called Abraham.  
Abraham offers the cutting edge technology
for creating, manifesting,
and being in Fifth Dimension conscious.  

If you are a new student of Self-Awareness,
listening to Abraham Hicks is an excellent place to start.  

Emotions are a critical and essential key
to manifesting anything in your life.  
This is an area that has not been given proper attention
, until Abraham/Hick offered information about the power of emotions.     

Page Sumary



R. R.

   Page Content  


Page Summary   





Humans in the Vortex  

Physics of Consciousness  



Romance and Relationships  


More Listings  


Page Content



C S 18-06-22





Preparing For What You Want - YouTube

Abraham Hicks. To reach the next level - YouTube

Preparing For What You Want - YouTube
Preparing For What You Want - YouTube
About becoming ready to receive
Begin listening at minute eight.

HIDDEN TEACHINGS of the Bible That Explain Manifestation, Consciousness & Oneness (POWERFUL Info!)Your Youniverse • 4.3M vie
Abraham Hicks - Let go of control and your life will change - YouTube

Abraham Hicks, Your Life Will Never Be the Same After Listening To This - YouTube
Avoid focusing on what's wrong, on what you do not want.

In essence we are being told that
problems such as life style diseases
cannot be overcome with any activity in the external world.
Why?   Because causes of what show  up in the external world
are created  in the internal, non-physical world by
thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, expectations, and negative emotions.

The situations are amplified by any actions taken
specifically in response to the stimuli  
The responses, them selves do no cause anything.
They simply produce more thoughts on the unwanted
which again tells the universe
give me more of the same level energy. experiences.

The Botom line:

Follow up watching/ Listening to
the above Abraham-Hicks message with this one:
Abundance is the Solution to All of Your Problems Abraham Hicks - YouTube   23:02

Abraham Hicks ❤️ This is How Source Get Impulses ❤️
No ads - YouTube   10:10
Abraham Hicks - Practical step by step Process Of 'Allowing -
YouTube   22:58
Minute  6:10   to
Getting Beyond Resistance   22:58
Abraham Hicks - Practical step by step Process Of 'Allowing - YouTube
reviewed 28 Feb 2019  *****

Abraham Hicks 2019 - You MUST Hear This. - YouTube
Reviewed 20 Feb 19
We Are the leading edge of cosmic evolution.
Avoid Judging others,
Avoid complaining.
Ignore the external world..
Get and stay in the receptive mode.
Focus on your desires as if they are real right now.

In the Zone -in the vortex   In the Game.
Abraham Hicks ~ Be Willing To Give Up Everything (2019)
No Ads In Video - YouTube   17:45

Abraham Hicks Relationships ~ When others treat you badly - Own it - YouTube   15:06

Abraham Hicks - Blocking Out the Negative Energy and Influence Going on Around You - YouTube  14:39

You have been so thoroughly indoctrinated into a world
based on greed, death destruction, that a world based on Llove
is going to seem so strqne that at firt introduction,
you probably won't believe i t. 
Many people wii say this is  impossible and
too good to be true. 
Well, we have good news for you.
The world of  Llove is simple, easy, and powerful.
Everything follows a clear and distinct set of laws and principles

Most humans have been mind controlled to such an extent
that they have have no idea
 what their controllers have done to them.

The only thing we can say with absolute certainty
is that we want to get away from it as fast as we can.
There has got to be a better way,
So began the  journey to where I am/We are today.
I began in the early 1969s with the only thing I knew,
the Roman  Catholic version of Christianity..
I soon ran into things that didn't make any sense, like
*   Joana spending three days inside of a  whale  (big fish).  
*   Artifacts  that could not be created by humanity
      as we know ourselves to be today.
The real kicker were these words of Jesus,
When asked by his followers,
how could he did what  he  did, he said
"Greater works than these you shall do and More"

.     Unsorted---Abraham-Hicks---1-Jan-2019





R. R.


The Absolute simplest, the easiest, and the fastest path to Fifth Dimension consciousness can be found at:
The Seven Lost Secrets of Llove

Abraham / Hicks is, in my opinion, by far
the second best place to start connecting to
Fifth Dimension Consciousness
We Suggest that you begin with these videos:

The First Secret of 
The Seven lost Secrets of Llove

The Art of Allowing
Abraham Hicks - Chill out & allow everything to come to you!!! - YouTube   34:31
This video describes
The Basic  Science of Deliberate Creation
The Art of Allowing

Abraham Hicks ~ Tell a different Story ~ music by Francine Jarry - YouTube  20:39

Abraham Hicks ~ 'If You Want It Allow~Allow~Allow -- Songs Francine Jarry -
YouTube   26:34

Abraham Hicks ~ Everything Is Always Working Out For Me ~ Music Francine Jarry - YouTube   11:06

Abraham Hicks ~Through the Eyes of Source~SongsFrancine Jarry - YouTube  19:28

Abraham Hicks 3 Hours 1 Topic Money and Financial Abundance Vol 3 - YouTube  3:04:07

Abraham Hicks - Become A Manifestation POWERHOUSE
YouTube  1:27:58    

///   ///   ///

Abraham Hicks - Observe others, but don't get Involved - YouTube

///   ///   /// 
Jim Self
Channelers and Their Message. Whose Truth is True?  
Jim Self of Mastering Alchemy
Dealing  with planetary changes.   
How to be present and make conscious choices    

Created   12 Oct 2017
Follow up to the previous session:  21NOV 2017
Jim Self on Artificial Intelligence - YouTube   1:01-04
///   ///   ///     





C S 18-07-22


Antarctica Ice-Wall---Email-Message    



FYI   from Robert Cote'
Hi,  Esther & Abraham,

A  major Earth-changing truth
has recently been uncovered
regarding the Ice Wall at the South Pole. 
Extensive research has proven that
The Earth is a Torus Structure and that
the continents  are inside of that wall of ice, NOT outside

Check it out at:

We request hat you open this topic to public discussion

Robert Cote'

Please respond so that I'll know you got this message.

1-830-755-2299 – Tuesday – Friday 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM Central Time







R. R.

Books by Abraham-Hicks    


Audio Book
Ask and It Is Given Esther & Jerry Hicks Audiobook -
YouTube     8:00:01


8:40       Aborut Easters becoming a channel for Abraham
11:20      19:84   Esther describes becoming a channel for Abraham
Learn how Eastar  became a channel:

Chapter  3    41:12
Chapter  4   47:26
Chapter  5   54:34
Chapter  6   58:50   Law of Attraction
Chapter  7   1;09;35   You are standing on the leading edge of thought
Chapter 8   1;:17:55   You are a vibrational transmitter and receiver

The Vortex Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships - YouTube    11:55:22







R. R.



(1) Abraham Hicks 2017 - Chill out and allow everything to come to you
YouTube   34:31
An attraction-based preference 
There is no assertion. No pushing things away.   everything is inclusion/ attraction based.   There is no such thing as no.  There is only YES.  Cannot push thins away.  Can only attrac.> 
Listen begin at  minute 5:00   to


<><><>   <><><>

By-my-thinking,-I-turn-my-thoughts-to-things.          By-my-thinking

YouTube     16:26

Thinking Turns Thought Into Things 
That's part  of  the physics of consciousness.~  
That's how the universe functions.  

When a negative thought arises,
you don't have to change the thought.  
Don't fight it.  That feeds it and keeps it active. 
Just don't keep it active.  
i.e.  Stop thinking about it. 

If a thought is not active
(if we don't think about it)
it cannot negatively affect on our future experiences.   

It's not about where you are,
(i. the circumstances you find yourself in)    
it's about how you think and feel about where you are.
You cannot be needy
(i.e. think of lack and neediness and
the absence od what you want)  
and at the same time.
receive what you are wanting.

To find something,
you look where it is,
not where it isn't.  
To think something into existence,
you think/feel its presence, not its absence.

If you are a negative thinker,
(a thinker of feel-bad thoughts)
you will continue to have negative experiences
until you start focusing on
thoughts that produce different experiences.

Become your own Thought-Gate-Keeper.  
Focus on something where the negative feelings are absent.
When thoughts arise,
if you feel good, say:
"Come on  in and multiply. 
Join with other thoughts and feel-good feelings."
If you feel bad, say, "leave my world. you belong elsewhere. 
I fill you with Llove and bid you farewell.   

<><><>   <><><>

17 seconds technique
Abraham Hicks , Let It Go and You Will Have It - YouTube

Abraham Hicks A Really Cool Rampage - YouTube  39:39

Power of Creation



R. R.



Abraham Hicks - I love my body ♥ SasM!X Gridwork 
YouTube  13:27      





R. R.



Pure Power of Appreciation

Abraham Hicks - Do This Every Morning for 17 Seconds , Powerful Manifestation Tool - YouTube

Abraham Hicks - Rampage Appreciation, Love, Knowing
YouTube  59:38

Abraham Hicks - Appreciation is my final key! Feel-it-M!X
YouTube    11:32

Abraham Hicks - Rampage Appreciation, Love, Knowing - YouTube






R. R.

   Focus - Point of Focus


Abraham Hicks - Train Your Mind To ATTRACT - Amazing - YouTube
Where to focus your attention:    0:40  to  3:13   




R. R.



Abraham Hicks 3 Hours 1 Topic Money and Financial Abundance Vol 3 - YouTube  3:04:07

Abraham Hicks - Become a Vibrational Match to Money - YouTube    




C S 18-06-22

Copy prior to inserting text.   



Abraham Hicks RAMPAGE In the Receptive Mode with music & al 1 - YouTube
18:54    "The better you feel, the more you allow."

I live in the receptive mode because
in that receptive mode,
I can become and be, have, do express and experience
everything .that I ever wanted
I feel Clarity,   Happiness   Joy   Appreciation,  
Llove, compassing,   Caring    , Sharing 
Good timing,   right place, right time, 
its  Laughter    Health    Well-Being
I live at/in the orgasmic level in every aspect of life
I take orgasm from an experience into a state of being.

It's life enhancing.  It's each of us becoming all of us.
It's more that the sum od all the parts and all the partners.
If you have a mirror handy, I'll show you a picture of
There are countless pictures/ forms /images/
expressions/ representation of Gods
 We are each one of the pieces.

I Allow what is to be as it is
I ignore the external world.
I Focus on the feel good feelings inside of yourself
I Stay at least one step above neutral.
Add link
I apply the focus wheel technique to your life,

10:55    My job is to take care of myself, first
     and to create ease for myself.
     I must fill my cup first
     so that I have the capacity to assist others.

Do these things everyday:
*   Meditate for fifteen minutes
*   Go outside regardless of the weather, and appreciate Earth
     Find things to appreciate and talk abut them out loud.
*   Create a book of positive aspects
     Find five different topics and writ a page about
     the positive aspects of each topic
     i.e.   This is what I like and appreciate about this topic

*   Outside or in front of a window
     I acknowledge and appreciate
     that there are universal forced focused on me.

*   Source-Creator-Goddess, I acknowledge
     that I am the object of your positive attention.
*   Today no matter where I am, what I'm doing, 
     or where ai am going, or who I am with,
I appreciate your continuing gaze on behalf of my well-being.
*    I am in this and in every moment
      consciously aware that you are here with me,
       I acknowledge and appreciate that you are always
      Aware of me,    Lloving me,   Acknowledging me, 
      Appreciating me,    Inspiring me,   
      Supporting  me,   Assisting me,   Uplifting me,
      Showong me,   Guiding me,  Helping me,
      Having fun with me,  
Get into an endless loop of this acknowledgment
Watch what begins to happen as soon as today
End 17:04


Your new dominant mantra to the universe I AM TO LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER - YouTube
How to get out of a negative thinking pattern
Abraham Hicks🌀-How To Instantly Get in The Vortex -
YouTube  14:36

3:10    A belief is just a thought that you keep on thinking
A thought that in not contradicted will gather its own momentum
This follows the above video
Abraham Hicks - Easy Way To Enter The Vortex - YouTube
Go for emotional reason and not for physical stuff
Choose your thoughts for their emotional cntent







R. R.

   Humans in the Vortex  



Abraham Hicks RAMPAGE In the Receptive Mode with music & al 1 - YouTube
"The better you feel, the more you allow."
Allow what is to be as it is
Ignore the external world.
Focus on the feel good feelings inside of yourself
Stay at least one step above neutral.
Add link
Apply the focus wheel technique to your life,


Focus Wheel
Abraham Hicks - Sexual Energy is the Most Powerful Energy -
YouTube   35:21
Focus Wheel begins at minute 22:00  to minute 35;21.

The Focus Wheel Technique
take a person from
powerlessness, desperation, frustration, confusion
Joy, freedom and Llove
one step at a time. 
Why slowly? 
Because to jump from the bottom to the top
is too big of a jump.
Using a focus wheel is
taking the path of least resistance

to Anger  to determination

Start with something that matters to me,
something that I am looking for
My statement od desire is: 

I am fabulously successful at clearly understanding
The first lost Secret of
the Seven Lost Secretes of Llove.  
I am extraordinarily successful at creating
Monthly full Moon Celebrations of Llove. 

Writs a seres of statements around this center piece in my focus wheel.

End Goal: 

The Satisfaction Factor
Abraham Hicks 2018 - The Most Inspiring Speech From Abraham - YouTube

Vibrationally  return yourself into alignment with Source
I am getting ready to get ready.

Law of Allowing. 
I am satisfied with where  I am right now. 
It exactly where I am supposed to be
on my journey to my next fulfillment,
to my next contentment, to my next satisfaction.
I am getting ready to get ready for whatever is next.
So I am satisfied with where  I am right now. 
I am rediscovering, I am remembering.

We tune our vibrational frequency
to match that which we choose to experience.
We do that with thoughts and emotions.
Thoughts point the directions and emotions
are the power of creation.
Physical creation occurs in our Holographic Universe.
We turn thought to thing with streams of Consciousness.
The result is we create our vibrational reality.

The Journey never ends.
There's always more.  
Life is not about being there.
it's about the journey of getting there.
Their are moments of satisfaction and
fulfillment and contentment, however
those moments do not last.

///   ///   ///   ///

We are God-Beings addicted to feel-good feelings.
We are almost always on the quest for the the next
Joy-Fun-Llove-FahZoom feel-good feeling.
The ultimate, human  feel good feeling is orgasm.
The ultimate human alignment with source/ creator is in orgasm.

Would you like to combine
the never ending journey and, at the same time,
be in the moments of fulfillment.
It's possible ti do that in most aspects of you life.
Here's what we have discovered:
We'll use orgasm as our example.
Step one is to learn, practice and celebrate
The Seven Lost Secrets ofLlove.~
Step two is to learn Fifth Dimension Sex.~


Also listen to the above link on money

First understand what a vortex is:

Abraham described the knowing, the internal feelings,
and the state of being regarding  what human really are.  
I have added to the list and presented everything
in personal, present tense language so when you read it you rare describing yourself and your true identity.  

Abraham Hicks ~ I'm going to love you, which means I'm going to ignore you completely! - YouTube

Abraham Hicks - This Will Put You into the Vortex Instantly , Powerful - YouTube   14:03

Abraham Hicks - Shift Into An Alternate Universe! -
YouTube    1:41:26     
Beginning  at minute 25, Abraham describes a vortex

Abraham Hicks Spiritual Relationships BRILLIANT -
YouTube    1:02:10

Humans in  the Vortex




R. R.

  The Physics of Consciousness  


Abraham Hicks - Train Your Mind To ATTRACT -

Amazing - YouTube  2:16:56 

Everything physical is about creating internal feelings.  
19:20  to 22:20  Example   22:20  to 25:10

Universal Laws  --  Perception: 
There is no reality other than that which is  perceived
Everything is perceived / seen / experienced through
the perceiver's belief filters
25:10   27:20  transformation is incremental 
emotions are the purpose of life.   

Abraham Hicks LIVE Workshop on 12th Jan 2013 at San Diego CA

(Part 1 of 3) - YouTube  1:07:57
Minute 10;:30 to 14:20
      How to Create Your Own Reality
Minute  45:00 to 46:22
      Definitions and distinctions between
      Empathy and Compassion    

The Physics of Consciousness  



R. R.



Abraham Hicks - Become A Manifestation POWERHOUSE
YouTube  1:27:58

It's done! Just catch up

Abraham Hicks - Prepare for Fuller Manifestations in 2018

Abraham Hicks The HIGH You Get From Non Resistance - YouTube       

Expect a little more for yourself and watch the floodgates open

Relationship Gridwork





R. R.

   Romance and Relationships  


Manifesting a Perfect Relationship    12:44

Perfect Relationships have a Formula  22:37

I'm going to love you, which means I'm going to ignore you completely!

Getting ready for your soul mate

Are you ready for a lover   

Finding Love of This Life

TRAINING The Vibrational MUSCLE Abraham Hicks
Relationships       Religion      Source Energy    
Healing a Physical Condition 
Stop at minute 22.  because the video repeats  itself
The h
ealing of a physical condition issue
is continued in the next video below

Why Do I Have An ISSUE Abraham Hicks
YouTube   47:05
At minute 26, the video begins to repeats itself

Relationships  --- Find the perfect mate  
Abraham Hicks - Why some people attract us more than others - YouTube    44:03    

Romance and Relationships



R. R.




Abraham Hicks - Porn - Why So Good - YouTube

Abraham Hicks, How Sex Thoughts create powerful Manifestations - YouTube
Abraham Hicks PowerPill ~ How else to use sexual energy - YouTube

The Mysterious Powers of Sexual Energy and How You Can Use It To Your Advantage - You Be Relentless

Abraham Hicks Sexual Energy is the Most Powerful Energy No Ads with 432HZ DNA Repair Mode - YouTube

Abraham Hicks PowerPill ~ How else to use sexual energy - YouTube











R. R.

   More Listings  


Nature reflects your alignment

All About Alcohol 

Abraham Hicks 2017 - When you care less they care more
YouTube   54:17
Earth humans on the leading edge of Cosmic evolution

     ///   ///
[HD] Abraham Hicks 2018 - Ask Emotionally not Verbally - June 9, 2018 - YouTube
     ///   ///

More Listings  




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          Links updated:   22 Nov-2017      


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R. R.










R. R.


